by: Dewanto (4/20/09)

As a default, your favicon in your blog address is just the same as have. But now you can change it!

Yes you can change it with your company logo, organization logo, or your own logo which is illustrate your blog contents. All you need is just apply these following steps. Here we go..

Step 1. preparing logo
First of all you have to prepare the logo you want to put on. You can download it or create your own logo by image editor program like photoshop or something like that. The logo must be so tiny about 22 x 22 px to 32 x 32 px. That is so tiny. Oh yes, it must be tiny.

Step 2. upload the logo to image hosting site.
You must have an image hosting site account to upload it, for example ok, we assume that you already have that account, after you login you may upload it, than you can find the url ot your logo. Copy your logo url, than we step forward to the next step.

Step 3. show your favicon!
Go to the dashboard, chose lay out than edit html. Than find </head> code. Place this code just upper the </head> code

<link href='YOUR_ URL_LOGO' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

Change YOUR_ URL_LOGO with your own url logo. Don’t forget to save your template. View your blog with new favicon….


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