by: Dewanto (4/19/09)

Blog is usually manage by individual, and the content may be diary, experience story, local news report, opinion etc. however there is some blog manage by group called team blogging.

If you interesting to create a blog just like “school magazine blog”, “campus news bulletin blog” or something like that, better you choose this kind of blog. The team blog allow all members involved to manage the blog together.

To create your team blog, you just need to invite people you have chosen as a member who will manage the blog together. You may invite everyone, provide they have registered in

There is 2 kind members in team blogging. First is administrator, which is have the authority to edit all contents, modify setting, even hire or fire members. Second is general member that just allowed to sending articles.

To invite your blog members. You need to click setting tab, than click permission, than click "add authors". Insert email address, adding massage if necessary, than click save setting. Than they will receive invitation email from you to join in you blog, and if they accept your invitation your blog will appear in their dashboard, than they may write posts for your blog.

Happy blogging…..


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